
Classroom Environment

Classroom Environment

Setting up the Environment
Children spend long hours in early childhood programs. Preschool teacher need to assure that classroom environments are a live learning environment.

Young children’s understanding and learning happens as they explore, investigate and discuss concepts, while they move freely through a well planed classroom environment.

Environments need to be

• A welcoming place
• A great place to be
• A place for learning
• A place of beauty
• A creative environment that is designed for hands on experiences
• A place to be a child

Environments are where children can learn through observation, exploration, verbalization, hands-on experiences and playful experiences they are places where children can be children. These environments provide the best possible influences on children’s development.

When setting up the classroom environment I always refer back to ECERS (Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale) and ELLCO (Early Language & Literacy Classroom Observation). I want to include language and literacy items in every learning center in the classroom.

Book Nook

Another book Area

Letter and Word Center

Construction Zone

Don't forget to add dressup clothes it will add the dramatic play to your block play.
Creative Art Center

Math Center

Science Center

Fultz Linky Button