
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Literacy in the Block Center

When developing an effective learning environment you need to take into consideration that not all children learn in the same way.  

Children learning and enjoying literacy does not mean only in the designated areas like the writing center or during small group.  Some children might benefit more from a writing experience in the block center.  So when thinking about teaching children about literacy think outside of the box and create meaning literacy learning experience throughout you classroom design

This week we have be learning about our neighborhood.  We have talked and made lists of what you can find in our community as well as what we could do in our community when we grow up. 

We extended this discussion to our construction zone and the children created our community, with signs and all.

 Under construction

 Sign writing station


 They even put all the cars in the parking lot and it turned out that it was the biggest building in our block community.  Which is funny because it is also the biggest shopping area in our town that always has the most cars.



The child placed hearts on the sign, when asked why she simply stated, "You need the gym to work out your heart."

 Train Station

 Shoe Store

Grab a set of block play word cards for your center, they are free for just stopping by.

Kid has some great factory to you transportation road rugs that can dress up any center.