
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Letter Game Pumpkin Bean Bag

I made pumpkin bean bag out of felt.  I hot glued the face, stem, and vine to the top piece of the pumpkin.  I then sewed a back piece to the pumpkin leaving a hole at the bottom to fill with rice.  Once filled with rice I sewed it shut.

I made enough bean bags for a group of 6 children to play a bean bag letter toss game with. 

I wrote letters on paper plates that we had been working on over the last few weeks.  I then placed the plates on the floor with the basket of pumpkin bean bags. 
Each child stood behind the line and tossed their bean bag, trying to land the bean bag onto the plate. As a child landed their bean bag onto a plate they identified the letter and then gave the letter sound. If they needed help they asked a friend to help them.

We also used this for a transitional game. After circle is done I always play a game to transition them to wash their hands for snack. This way all children get to participate in games, they learn to take turns and to share with this kind of activity. If I use a game at this time of the day it really helps with the flow.


  1. Great idea to write the letters on Paper Plates, so simple!

  2. This way I can change the letters depending on the children.

  3. Brilliant! One of my kids is more physically "wired" he would love this activity!

  4. I like the ideal of writing the alphabets on paper plates..
