
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Five Little Snowmen

When I use children finger play songs I make sure that I have songs that count both ways. Counting forward to five or ten and then songs that count back wards from 5 or 10. If you only use song that count back wards the children in your class will have a harder time with counting by rout. When using number songs always count to that number first so that they can hear the numbers being said in order. If you are using props make sure that as you count the props put one down at a time (as that number is being said) so that they hear the number and see the number of objects at the same time. If you have them all out and point to each one they are not able to get a visual of the amount with that number.

This will help children with subitizing numbers. What is subitizing? It is when a child can visual recognize a number with out counting it. Like the numbers on dice. This is a developmental skill that children need to master number words.

Songs are a fun and engaging way to help children learn the necessary skills need for math.

Five Little Snowmen By: Tami

One little snowman alone and new
Finds a friend, and then there are two

Two little snowmen busy as could be
They find another, and then there are three

Three little snowmen, wanted one more
Found one soon and that made four

Four little snowmen go for a drive
Along comes another and then there are five.

Five Little Snowmen
Five little snowmen sitting on the ground,
The first one said; 'oh my aren't we round'
The second one said; "'there are snowflakes in the air"
The third one said; "but we don't care."
The fourth one said; "lets run and run and run.
The fifth one said; "I'm ready for some fun."
Whew went the wind (blow) and out came the sun
And the five little snowman knew their fun was done.

Here are some links to more snowpeople songs.

Winter Theme Link By: The Virtualvine

Five Little Snowmen By: The Honorable Mention
Five Little Snowmen By: Teach Preschool

1 comment:

  1. I have a free Frosty Days Pack at Itsy Bitsy Learners ... inside you will find a tabbed book for a Five Snowman song!

    Hope it can be of help!
