
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Keeping Your Tables Clean

When it comes to preschoolers mess is the name of the game.  So if you want to make cleaning up some of those messes easier here are some tips to help keep those tables clean.
Art trays, we have a stack of art trays in the creative art area and the children know that if they are working on something that requires glue, paint or glitter then they need to get themselves an art tray.  These trays contain the mess for easy clean up and help children with their independent skills.

If you have a group of young children then when it is work time for the children stretch a fitted sheet over the tables that will get messy.  Once the projects are done remove the sheet and toss in the wash.

You can get these art trays through

Easy-Clean Craft Trays - Set of 4

These big, heavy-duty plastic trays make craft projects neater—and easier—than ever! Jumbo trays are great for painting and collaging…with deep 1 1/4" edges that keep messes neatly contained, and smooth surfaces for easy, wipe-clean care. 4 trays in 4 colors; each is a big 12" x 16".

BX532 • $14.95


  1. I love these trays! I use them mostly in our playdo area. It keeps all the playdo "crumbs" on the tray and off the floor. ;)

  2. I will be putting a stack of them there next. Never thought about the playdough. Thanks

  3. ok i want these but can see spending money right now i use white shirt boxes work great , cheap and easy to store ..

  4. That is a great way to do it. I'm always looking or ways to save.

  5. Hmmm...... I might give that a try.

  6. Enjoy your blog. Just gave you the stylish blogger award.

  7. I love your idea of putting a bed sheet over the table during messy art and then just throwing it in the wash afterwards. Such a great idea!
