Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Green Light, Green Light Freebie

Trees are going up and lights are being turned on.  So what better way to bring in the season then with this lap book to big book Green Light, Green Light.  It is my gift to you for the holiday season.  Just go to Teachers Pay Teacher or Teachers Notebook and download it for free.

Happy Holidays!
from Learning and Teaching with Preschoolers

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Monthly Madness Blog Hop

Now that we have all enjoyed our families and have stuffed ourselves with turkey it is time to start planning for the month of December.

We will be starting out the season with the Gingerbread Boy.

 Color Bingo using colored pom poms and tweezers to help build those fine motor skills.

One to One Correspondence We will be using different kinds of plastic cookies and kitchen tongs to place the cookies onto cookie sheets.  

 Gingerbread Craft, children will be creating  their own gingerbread person.

 Gingerbread Small Group Activities

Say It, Count It, Write It Math Game
Counting Buttons
Grid Board and Path Board Math Games
Sound Sorting and Letter Sorting Games
All of these activities can be found in the Gingerbread Pal Lesson Plan

 Before we head off to winter break we will be ending with Santa's in Town.

 We will read the book Green Light, Green Light
This is a free resource

 Paper Plate Wreaths

 Small Group Activities will include

ABC Lotto Game
Letter Match Game
Trace and Write Sheets
Santa's in Town Lotto Game

 Paper Plate Santa Craft

Just remember to enjoy the season and have fun!!!

Blog Hop Party Rules

Your link must go directly to a blog post with photos and  any  links to books and products that you will be using for your lessons.   The post must also include the image above and a link back to this post. 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Maps in the Block Area

I added maps to my block center along with clipboards and the children have been deciding where they will be traveling to (Disneyland, San Francisco and the beach).  Along with making their own driving directions.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cyber Monday Plus Tuesday TPT Sale!

Black Friday is over and you need to put your feet up, because those dogs of your are tired.

Now is the time to starting thinking about Cyber Monday.  Teachers Pay Teachers is offering a cyber Monday sale and there are a lot of really great teachers offering sales.

My store is offering 20% off and TPT is offering 10% off so if you include the promo code CMT12  you will be saving 28% off of everything in my store.  You can view what's in my shop by clicking the picture below. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Giving-Back" Sale with Teachers Notebook

Teachers Notebook is "giving back" to all its members. Make a purchase from a teacher shop and Teachers Notebook will take off an additional 10% from your ENTIRE ORDER!. With so many shops running sales, you could get up to 55% off!.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Family Feast

We finished off our giving thanks and family unit with a family feast.  Parents joined us for turkey, gravy and all the fixings. 

 The children even made all the pumpkin pies for the feast.

 Here is some picture of some of the art we did throughout the weeks.

The Mayflower


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Santa's in Town Giveaway

This unit is available on

The Holiday's are upon us and time is running thin.  So if you would like to free up some time for you and your family enter to win.  Santa's in Town Language, Literacy and Math Unit.  You will have everything you need at your finger tips to get of of your centers and small groups up and running.

You can find Santa's in Town Language, Literacy and Math Unit on

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, November 17, 2012

New Word Bank

In Theresa A. Roberts book No Limits to Literacy for Preschool English Learners she states that we should be teaching children 12 to 15 new words a week.  These words need to be words that aid comprehension of story books, classroom themes and centers.

To keep us in check we created a New Word Bank board.  This board shows us how many words we introduced in a week as well as reminding us to be using these words throughout the week.  It is also a great way to show families what words are be learned so that they too can be using them with their children at home. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thankful Tree

Get your little ones thinking about what they are thankful for.  Here is a fun art activity that the children can do after you have had a group discussion on thankfulness.

 During small group have a discussion on what makes each of us thankful.  Have the children draw a picture of what they are thankful for and write down what each child said.

I am thankful to all of you that read and support my blog by leaving all those wonderful and thoughtful comments.  Here is a freebie to say Thank-you.

Just click on one of the links to get your freebie.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

From Trash to Art

Children were given a variety of items that would of normally been thrown out for trash.  The children create something special Art with all of those trash items.

Finished Projects


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